Our Privacy Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect and use the personal information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site. When you visit our Web site you may provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected on an individual basis and Web site use information collected on an aggregate basis as you and others browse our Web site.

1. Personal Information You Choose to Provide
Registration Information: You will need to provide us with your email address when you sign up to receive our newsletter. Email Information: If you choose to correspond with us through email, we may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses.
The legal bases for our processing of Personal Information are primarily that the processing is necessary for providing the Web site and that the processing is carried out in our legitimate interests, which are further explained in the “How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us” section. We may also process Personal Information upon your consent, asking for it as appropriate.

2. Web Site Use Information
Similar to other commercial Web sites, our Web site utilizes Web server logs to collect information about how our Web site is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent at our Web site, and the Web sites visited just before and just after our Web site. We, our advertisers and ad serving companies may also use small technology or pieces of code to determine which advertisements and promotions users have seen and how users responded to them.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us?
We take steps designed to ensure that only those employees who need access to your Personal Information to fulfil their employment duties will have access to it. Broadly speaking, we use personal information for purposes of administering and expanding our business activities, providing customer service and making available other products and services to our customers and prospective customers. If you have chosen to subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive email correspondence from us whenever a new deal has been posted on our website or for other important announcements. You may choose to unsubscribe from this email at any stage, should you no longer wish to receive these offers.

What Are Cookies?
A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a Web site, that site's computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each Web site can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a Web site to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. Some of our business partners (e.g., advertisers) use cookies that originate from their sites. We have no access or control over those cookies.

How Do We Use Information We Collect from Cookies?
As you use our Web site, the site uses its cookies to differentiate you from other users. In some cases, we also use cookies to prevent you from seeing unnecessary advertisements or requiring you to log in more than is necessary for security. Cookies, in conjunction with our Web server's log files, allow us to calculate the aggregate number of people visiting our Web site and which parts of the site are most popular. This helps us gather feedback in order to constantly improve our Web site and better serve our customers. Cookies do not allow us to gather any personal information about you and we do not generally store any personal information that you provided to us in your cookies.

Sharing Information with Third Parties
In some cases, it may be necessary to provide your name and/or email address to the company whose product you are purchasing. In this event, it will be clearly disclosed in the terms of use for the particular deal that your details will be provided to the party concerned. We also use third parties to facilitate our business, including, but not limited to, sending email and processing credit card payments. In connection with these offerings and business operations, our partners and other third parties may have access to your personal information for use in connection with business activities. When we disclose your Personal Information to third parties, we take reasonable measures to ensure that the rules set forth in this Privacy Policy are complied with and these third parties provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures. As we develop our business, we may buy or sell assets or business offerings. Customer, email, and visitor information is generally one of the transferred business assets in these types of transactions. We may also transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, or any dissolution.

Notice of New Services and Changes
Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about important changes to our Web site, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. You will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from our newsletter at any point, should you not wish to receive this information.

Certain Disclosures
We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or subpoena or if we believe that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the law or comply with legal process served on us or affiliated parties; (b) protect and defend our rights and property, our site, the users of our site, and/or our affiliated parties; (c) act under circumstances to protect the safety of users of our site, us, or third parties.

What About Other Web Sites Linked to Our Web Site?
We are not responsible for the practices employed by Web sites linked to or from our Web site nor the information or content contained therein. Often links to other Web sites are provided solely as pointers to information on topics that may be useful to the users of our Web site. Please remember that when you use a link to go from our Web site to another Web site, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on any other Web site, including Web sites which have a link on our Web site, is subject to that Web site's own rules and policies. Please read over those rules and policies before proceeding.

Your Consent
When downloading a freebie through our website, or when signing up for our daily deals newsletter, there is a checkbox for your consent to be subscribed to our daily deals newsletter. An unsubscribe link is included at the bottom of each newsletter. When submitting your email address, your IP address is saved as a form of proof of content to subscribe to our newsletter. By using our Web site you consent to our collection and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If we change our privacy policies and procedures, we will post those changes on our Web site to keep you aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we may disclose it.

Retention and Security
Your Personal Information may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities or in which we engage third party service providers. By using the Web site, you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside your country of residence, which may have different data protection rules than in your country. While such information is outside of Canada, it is subject to the laws of the country in which it is held, and may be subject to disclosure to the governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of such other country, pursuant to the laws of such country. However, our practices regarding your personal information will at all times continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy and, if applicable, we will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of personal information from the EU/EEA to third country.

We have implemented various physical, administrative and technical safeguards designed to protect the confidentiality and security of Personal Information under our control. However, no security measures are absolute or wholly guaranteed.

We will maintain your Personal Information for as long as a business need exists, or as required by applicable laws, regulations, or government orders.

On written request and subject to proof of identity, you may access the Personal Information that we hold, and ask that any necessary corrections be made, where applicable, as authorized or required by law. However, to make sure that the Personal Information we maintain about you is accurate and up to date, please inform us immediately of any change in your Personal Information.

Under the GDPR, you may be entitled to additional rights, including: (i) the right to withdraw consent to processing where consent is the basis of processing; (ii) the right to access your Personal Information and certain other supplementary information, under certain conditions; (iii) the right to object to unlawful data processing, under certain conditions; (iv) the right to erasure of Personal Information about you, under certain conditions; (v) the right to demand that we restrict processing of your Personal Information, under certain conditions, if you believe we have exceeded the legitimate basis for processing, processing is no longer necessary, are processing, or believe your personal information is inaccurate; (vi) the right to data portability of Personal Information concerning you that you provided us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, under certain conditions; (vii) the right object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you, under certain conditions; (viii) the right to lodge a complaint with data protection authorities. If you want to learn more about your rights under the GDPR, you can visit the European Commission’s page on Data Protection at: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/index_en.htm.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or your Personal Information, to make an access or correction request, to exercise any applicable rights, to make a complaint, or to obtain information about our policies and practices with respect to any service providers outside Canada, our Privacy Officer (or Data Protection Officer) can be reached by mail or email using the following contact information: [email protected]

[Last Update: May 21st, 2018]