Mighty Deals Affiliate Program

Looking to make some extra money on your website? Whether you run a site that covers coupons, deals or Web design tools, or you have an audience that just loves saving money, consider joining the Mighty Deals Affiliate Program! You can earn 25% on any purchases tracked through your referral links to our website!

Why Should I Join?
  • Earn 25% commission on all sales sent through your affiliate links
  • Commissions are paid into your PayPal account (within 30 days of the transaction's month ending)
  • Offer great value to your users or followers
  • Promote new Web Professional products you didn't know about before

Who Should Join?
  • Coupon Sites
  • Deal Sites
  • Developers
  • Designers
  • Bloggers
  • Anyone with a website, blog, Twitter or Facebook account whose followers care about saving money on Web Professional Tools

Terms and rules:
Once you sign up for the Mighty Deals Affiliate Program, we'll take a look at your application. After it's been approved, we'll contact you so that you can log into our system and access your personal affiliate tools: custom links, banners and our widgets that displays the latest deals.

  • Earn 25% commission on all sales that you refer using your affiliate link. Final commission will be calculated on the amount that we receive after deducting merchant/PayPal fees (usually 1.5-3.5% of the deal price).
  • You must have an active PayPal account in order to receive payment.
  • Your commission will be paid to you via PayPal within 30 days of the transaction month's end, once you have accumulated a minimum amount of $50 in commission.
  • You must have an active website, blog, Twitter or Facebook account on which you will be placing your affiliate link.
  • Sales are tracked using session cookies (the default browser option for most users).
  • Unethical use or abuse of the Mighty Deals Affiliate Program is a violation of these terms and may result in the termination of your membership.
  • Your affiliate ID may NOT be used for your own purchases. Doing so will result in a reversal of commission and possible termination of your membership.
  • If a purchase is made using a coupon code, your affiliate commission will be reduced by the value of the coupon code used. For example, if a 10% coupon code is used, your commission on that sale will be 15%.
  • We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time (with written notification).
  • Commission is not paid on referred sales for Mighty Deals gift cards.
  • In the event of a chargeback or refund made on a paid transaction, you will be contacted to return any funds earned on that transaction to us.